Fileset 1802 is now available and we will be applying this to our supported schools over the next few days.
This will affect the following validation rules:-
- 100: Check the Header Reference Date
- 1320Q: Please check: Free meals taken exceeds total eligible pupils
- 1570: Unique learner number must be provided for pupils aged 14 and over on census day
- 1762: Periods of free school meal eligibility that started after the Census Day should not be included in the return
- 1763: Periods of FSM eligibility must be in a specific period
- 1741: Service Child Free School Meals invalid, 1880: Pupil’s Entry Date after Census Date or missing
- 1920: Leaving Date must be present and must before Census Date and after or = Entry Date
- 1925Q: Pupil no longer on roll [should] only present for specific conditions
- 2510: For pupil no longer on roll the attendance sessions possible is missing or invalid, must be greater than or equal to zero