SIMS Next Gen Newsletters
We will be publishing regular SIMS Next Gen newsletters to bring you the latest updates about ESS SIMS' new online MIS solution, SIMS Next Gen. All newsletters can be found on our SIMS Support and Documentation page. If you're interested in seeing how SIMS Next Gen...
MIS Newsletters 2024
Our new MIS newsletter is now available. Please click here to go to our newsletters page where you can view or download it!
New Attendance Codes
The DfE have made changes to the statutory attendance codes. Please see below for more information. New Attendance Codes for 2024/2025 2023/24 Code 2024/25 Code DfE Description / / Present at the school morning session \ \ Present at the school afternoon...
Census Drop-In Sessions
Our census drop in sessions are running next week. Please go to our Course Booking page to book a place!
MIS Section Update
You may notice a few changes to the MIS section of our website over the coming months. We're working on making it easier to find the information you need, regardless of which MIS you use. If there's something you'd like to see on our website, please don't hesitate to...
MIS Newsletter Summer 2022
Our new MIS newsletter is now available. Please click here to go to our newsletters page where you can view or download it!
SIMS Upgrade 7.206
Please be aware that from Monday 4th July 2022 we will be upgrading all SIMS systems to the latest version (7.206). This upgrade needs to be done for the pupil census in October, workforce census in November and contains the below updates/fixes. Key Dates for...
MIS Year Ends
Yes, it's that time of year again! Time to roll forward your MIS system for the new academic year. One IT provide a year end service which we can either do via a visit or remotely (whichever suits you best). As part of the year end process, we can add new pupils, set...
Scholarpack Accreditation
We have now completed our Scholarpack accreditation! Please get in touch if you use Scholarpack and are interested in what support we can offer your school.
Pupil Premium Imports 2021/2022
There is currently an issue with the Pupil Premium files from the DfE and as a result, your file may not import into SIMS. The DfE have confirmed that they are working through this issue but have not given an exact resolution date yet. We will add more information to...